Money Online Blueprint

Please know that we stand 100% behind our Guarantee.

Please note the terms of the guarantee as listed on the page from which you purchased, reproduced here:

Clarification of a 7 Day Refund

The refund guarantee is based upon receipt of refund request within 7 days of purchase. The refund policy is 7 days, however, the day you purchase money online blueprint is day one of the 7 days.

7 days refund guarantee mean that a refund will be provided if it has been requested up to the 7th day and not including the 7th day. So, if you purchase on the 1st of June and you request a refund on the 8th June, that would take it to 8 days, so you would not be entitled to a refund. You would have to request your refund therefore by or on the 7th June at the latest.

Fast Action Bonuses
If you qualify as a “Fast Action Bonus” customer, the bonus will be provided after the 7 day refund period.

How Subscription Cancellation Affects Your Access To The Software And Services

The purchase of Money Online Blueprint includes an upfront amount of money followed by a monthly subscription payment. The upfront amount of money enables you to have full access to the training videos. The monthly subscription payment enables you to have access to the software and services that are detailed within the Money Online Blueprint sales page.

In the event that the customer requests and receives a refund will mean that they will no longer have access to the training or the software or services or any fast action bonuses. If the customer does not request a refund but later cancels their monthly subscription, the payment system will automatically remove the customer’s access to the software and services section of the website. The customer will still have full access to the training videos, but will lose access to the software and services as well as any unused fast action bonuses.

In the event of subscription cancellation, if the customer wants to renew the subscription, they can do so and will need to write into support[@] to request a link to renew the subscription. Once subscription is renewed, the customer will have access to the software and services section of the package.

12 Months “Done For You” SEO And Other Done For You Services
Sometimes a customer’s monthly subscription payment can fail for various reasons. It could be that the customer has no funding in their PayPal or credit / debit card account and payment is therefore not possible. This would result in a failed subscription payment. Where a customer requests use of our 12 Months “Done For You” SEO or any other done for you service such as the fast action bonus (additional 5 months “Done For You” SEO) but there previous month subscription payment had failed, the customer will need to pay this payment before the SEO service can be resumed.

Our support team will provide the customer with instruction on how to pay the amount of money that had failed.

Claiming Your Monthly 12 Months DFY SEO Service
As long as your subscription payments are in place and up to date, you can claim 1 Done For Your SEO post each month. This means that you will get 1 post for each month you send in a Done For You SEO request. However, if for example, you forget to claim a 12 month Done For You SEO post one month, you can not then claim a request back in time. We simply can not manage this level of operation, so Done For You SEO requests must be for the current month only and back order requests will be ignored.

If you have paid 6 months subscription payments and you only have used 1 Done For You SEO post and you wish to use the remaining 11 of the 12 posts, you will need to continue your subscription for an additional 11 months to claim the remaining posts on the basis that you claim 1 post each month there after. Bear in mind that 12 Done For You SEO posts would cost you $1,788 if you were to purchase these, so the $17 monthly subscription provides fantastic value.

Subscription Payments
Regarding the monthly subscription payments. If you request a refund within the 7 day period, you won’t have been charged any monthly subscription payment because the subscription is free for the first 30 days, so the refund will apply to the purchase value you paid for the Money Online Blueprint package.

We feel that this refund policy and guarantee is a reasonable and fair and is also clear and unambiguous.

All the best,

Chris Cantell